Google Classroom


Ready to learn?  As you know I will not be seeing the children for a few weeks at least, so in order to keep learning happening and to assist families with the learning that is already occurring I have set up a Google Classroom. This is a new process for all of us, teachers included, so please be patient as the learning curve is steep this coming week. I will do my best to check the class site regularly throughout the business day and try to problem solve as we progress.  The first step in this process is to have students access the Google Classroom. To do this please follow the instructions below:

How to access the invite to our Google Classroom:

1. Go to the board website:

2. In the bottom left there is a green box called “Minds Online”

3. Click on Minds Online and it will prompt students to login (use the Limestone login taped to the inside front cover of their agendas).

4. At the top of the LDSB Elementary Homepage select G Suites icon

5. Next, select Gmail

6. They will be prompted to login again. Use their limestone login again, but this time use after their username (ie

7. In the students Inbox there should be an email from me inviting them to our Google Classroom

8. Open the email and click accept

9. You should then be directed to our Google Classroom


Also, a staff member made contact with most school families in the last two days, but if you know that someone was not contacted please forward this information on to them as we were not successful in contacting all families.

Finally, if a family is not receiving emails from our class blog please encourage them to check their junk mail as this may be the problem.  For some reason the blog emails sometimes switch to a person’s Junk Mail even if they were directed to the Inbox previously. I do plan to continue posting class updates on the blog in the coming weeks, but student assignments and communication will occur through Google Classroom.

Stay healthy.

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Phone call


Good morning,

Teachers have been asked to call all families to inquire about access to technology as the board tries to plan moving forward. I am calling all families this morning. If you receive a call from a blocked number it is probably me calling.
If I don’t make contact with you this morning I will try again this evening.

Take care.


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Online math resource


Another math resource to check out. I’ve never used this one, but another teacher recommended it and they are offering a free trial right now.

Dreambox Learning –

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Curriculum checklists


Thought this link might be helpful for anyone who is trying to work with their kids over the next several weeks. These are the Ontario Curriculum Expectations for each subject area broken down by grade.

Curriculum Checklists

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Reading resource


Here is another resource that is great for students who are working on their reading skills and comprehension. Remember, if a child can read all the words, but cannot tell you about the text afterward then the text is too hard. Similarly, if they struggle sounding out most of the words on each page then the text is also too hard.

For more reading resources check out – Epic at

Hope everyone is doing well.

Take care.

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Learn at Home program


Here is the link to the Ministry of Education’s Learn at Home program.

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Other helpful sites


If you are looking for some creative ideas to keep the kids busy check out these two:

Computer programming –


Drawing –

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Reading resources


Another great resource for reading. We use this in class for all types of reading.

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More online resources


I haven’t tried all of these resources, but thought I would share this anyways. I will continue to post other helpful sites, tips, strategies as I find them.
Stay healthy everyone.

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More resources


Check out what Scholastic is offering!–free-resources-for-school-closures.html#

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